I don't know about anyone else, but I need a clutter-free space to work. I simply can't focus my mind on the task at hand with the distraction of clutter around me.
Seeing a clean and organized workspace makes me feel so much lighter.
This is my workspace.
Don't you feel lighter just looking at it?
It may seem hard to believe, but this is actually how my desk looks most of the time. I have systems in place to sort mail, paperwork, and bills to be paid. These systems are easy to maintain and I've fostered the habit of maintaining them.
One of my favorite aspects of this system is keeping items nearby that make me happy: pictures of my kids, plants (even if they're fake), and inspirational quotes.
A quick glance to remind myself that I have a couple of really great kids, and that I've kicked some ass along the way keeps me energized and excited to tackle my work.
Another practice I have is to make things beautiful while being functional.
An elegant laptop hard shell and a fun polka dot mouse pad
are simple ways to bring a smile to my face and remind me that the little things count.
Nerd Alert
Organizing trays that keep my drawer contents neat and tidy make me extra happy.
See, it's the simple things.
Do you have simple tricks to keep yourself organized and motivated?
Share them in the comments.
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